- Failure is being displeased with the effort you've made and the product you've created. In my own life, I've failed at several things - sometimes being a good friend, anytime I'm forced to do anything athletic, and I tend to put off important work until the last minute (so, time management failure?). It's important to remember that you can't let failure make you cynical or feel inferior, because failing at something is part of life.
Here's the thing: Failure is always an option! But it's okay to fail because you're a human and that's what humans do. You just have to choose how you react to it. (Thanks, goodtypography.tumblr.com)
How do you define success?
- Success is being happy with the effort you've made and the product you've created. In my own life, I've been successful at many things - my schoolwork, volunteer work, being a leader (whether it's at my church or in marching band) or artistically (glass-work and calligraphy!). Success is achieved through intentional decisions to make an effort.
Success is also aimlessly jumping across dangerous gaps in the desert at dusk, apparently. Thanks stock images!
I am definitely more inclined to be motivated by my successes than my failures. Success leads me to be more confident in my decisions and the things I create. Even though I know it's important to be optimistic about failure, when I fail, I become a little upset. That itself becomes another failure because I that's not the response I want to have. It's cycle that can be broken by the deliberate choice to remember that failing is okay and forgiving yourself.
My goal for this project is to connect with younger kids to make them like writing and give them an interesting project instead of boring assignments. So far, I have been successful in engaging the students in letter-writing. Lately, I have been failing to respond in a timely manner. It usually takes me almost a week to respond, when I know it should only take a few days. I need to be more consistent with my writing. At the end of this project, I will know I'm successful if I've engaged the kids in active learning that will foster love of knowledge.